Wynbrooke Elementary

Dekalb County Schools

Weekly Update - August 21

It was great to see so many of you at our first spirit night at Brusters! We appreciate your support of Wynbrooke and look forward to many more evenings of family fun!

As you prepare for the upcoming week, please consider the following reminders:

Early Check-Outs and Transportation Updates:

Making sure that our students arrive home safely is our priority. However, it cannot happen without your assistance. You can assist us by following the procedures below:

• We are asking that you work towards a consistent method of transportation. It gets confusing for everyone when it changes daily.
• Communicate in writing with your child’s teacher when there are changes. We will not accept changes communicated by
students or by phone.
• If you have PreK-2nd students who ride the school bus, make certain that you are at the bus stop on time to receive your child.  This is critical.
• We will not honor EARLY Check Outs after 1:30 pm. If you need to pick up your student early, please do so before 1:30 pm or you will need to wait until our 2:15 dismissal. No Exceptions.

Important Documents Needed:

Returning Wynbrooke Students:
Please be certain that you have submitted a current proof of residence to your child’s teacher which includes a mortgage, lease agreement, gas or electric bill in a parent/guardian’s name. This documentation is necessary in order to continue your child’s enrollment at Wynbrooke.

New Wynbrooke Parents:
Any registration documents such as immunizations, hearing/dental/vision, etc. that were not submitted during open house should be turned in to the front office by August 31st.

Dropping Off Students Personal Items:
Please assist us by making sure that your child has all items needed for school before leaving home each morning. We have had an influx of students’ personal items such as lunch, backpacks, homework, instruments, etc. dropped off in the front office throughout the day. Encourage your child to prepare all important items for school before going to bed each night. This is a great opportunity to teach your child to be responsible and will also make way for a stress free morning. Remember, our instructional day begins at 7:45 am.

New Dates for Curriculum Night:

To accommodate our growing Wynbrooke Family, we have chosen to add a second date for our Annual Curriculum Night.

Wednesday, September 7th K-2 6:00 PM-7:30 PM

Thursday, September 8th 3-5 6:00-7:30 PM

Please add these changes to your calendar so that you can come out and learn more about our school data, our instructional priorities, and teaching and learning at Wynbrooke. We want to equip you with information and resources that will encourage student learning at home!

Summer Learning Projects:
Summer Learning Projects are required for all Wynbrooke Traditional Theme School students. Projects for returning students were due on Friday, August, 12th. We have offered an extension for all students new to Wynbrooke. The new deadline for new students to submit the projects is now Tuesday, September 5th. Please see attachment and visit the website for more information.

Encouraging Positive Behavior through PBIS:
Please take a moment to view the attached letter, which outlines our efforts to promote positive student behavior at Wynbrooke!

The Week Ahead:

Wednesday, August 24th

4:30 pm in the Media Center - Principal Roundtable with Parents of MOID Students 
5:30 pm in the Cafeteria - Title I Pre-Planning Meeting with Parents
6:30 pm in the Cafeteria - Room Parent Meeting

Please visit our website for additional information. Take time to also view instructional resources such as student textbooks, which can be accessed online.

Enjoy your evening!

Attachments Available to Download